Brian E. Bowlby
208 Washington Street
Leominster, MA 01453

Related Skills

Operating Systems: UNIX, VMS, Windows NT, Windows 95, MacOS, SunOS
Platforms: Alpha, Macintosh, PC, Sparc, VAX, various networks
Protocols: ATM, Ethernet, TCP/IP, DECnet, Appletalk, LAT

Professional Experience

4/96 - present Technical Services Manager, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Currently overseeing operations in the college's computer facility and managing a staff of 5 whose responsibilities include the college's ATM/ethernet network and all campus-wide computer systems.

9/94 - 4/96 Systems Manager, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Responsibilities included management of a DEC VAX 4100 cluster serving as the college's email hub and 3 DEC Alphas serving as the college's web server, administrative system, and Windows NT server.

9/89 - 9/94 Teaching Assistant, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. Taught courses in Introductory Physics, Energy and the Environment, and Introductory Physics Laboratories to undergraduate students.

1/84 - 9/89 Laboratory Technician, Simmons College, Boston, MA. Responsible for maintenance of laboratory equipment and laboratory prep.


9/89 - 5/98 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA Ph. D. in Physics (5/98) 9/78 - 6/82 Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI B. A. in Physics (6/82)



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