Michaela A. Wyman
208 Washington Street
Leominster, MA 01453

Educational Experience

Advanced Spanish linguistics and Latino culture: IPEE San Jose, Costa Rica, 1998
Cultural Immersion in Dominican Republic 3 credits UC Santa Barbara, 1997
Spanish Enhancement in Dominican Republic 3 credits University of the Pacific, 1997
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction ESL, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 1997
Spanish Language & Culture Immersion Experience 6 credits - 3 weeks of instruction and cultural immersion in Costa Rica. Fitchburg State College, 1996
Technical Writing for the Computer Industry Certificate Program - 21 credit graduate program. Fitchburg State College, 1981
B.S.Ed - Magna Cum Laude - Fitchburg State College, 1979
Related Professional and Personal Experience: Technology, Curriculum Development, and Teaching in a Variety of Classroom Settings
Technology and Networking
EduTel Communications, Inc. Create web pages including virtual tours for the CommunityNet website. Work includes original photography, photoshop image scanning and enhancing, html editing, and Internet collaboratives. Proficient with Microsoft PowerPoint which I use to present students' and teachers' work at professional conferences. Curriculum development to purposefully integrate technology education and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.

Distance learning course: Integrating Technology into the Inquiry Based Classroom. Includes information retrieval through the Internet using email, telnet, FTP, and World Wide Web formats, and application of network resources for use in the classroom as well as for professional development.

NHSTE, December 1998. Presented technology for the CommunityNet project to teachers and technology coordinators.

Universidad Nacional de Heredia, Costa Rica, November, 1998. Presented CommunityNet to professionals involved in using networking to protect biodiversity in Costa Rica.

Colegio Saleseiano Don Bosco, San Pedro Costa Rica, November, 1998. Networked with headmaster at Colegio Saleseiano Don Bosco a private K-12 school to assist in developing potential projects for the integration of technology in the classroom.

MAST, November 1998. Presented a workshop to teachers to demonstrate how to use studentsš commununities and CommunityNet project to purposefully integrate science, and technology into the curriculum.

MABE, March 1998. Presented in PowerPoint, "Acquiring English through Technology" to assist educators with bilingual students to use technology in the classroom to enhance the the acquisition and development of English speaking and writing skills.

Curriculum Development
Designed and developed the distance learning course: Integrating Technology in the Inquiry Based Classroom.

Co-designed and developed CommunityNet, a cross-curricula project involving the purposeful use of technology in the classroom. EduTel Communications, 1998.

Designed, developed, and implemented "Acquiring English Through Technology", which I used to teach bilingual students in Methuen, MA, and presented at the 1998 MABE conference in Leominster.

Developed a coordinated and thematic curriculum for beginning and intermediate ESL students - Clinton Adult Learning Center, 1992-1993.

Co-facilitated workshops to present the thematic curriculum to other ESL teachers - SABES (Systems for Adult Basic Education) mini grant project, 1993.

Developed workplace curriculum to meet the language needs of employees who spoke English as a second language and the company who employed them - Whiting Company, Clinton, MA, 1993-1994.

Evaluated and revised math curriculum as part of the curriculum committee at the St. Patrick School, Jaffrey, NH, 1991.

11 Years Teaching Experience in Private and Public Schools Grades 5 -12, Adults, and Distance Learning

Bilingual Classroom Teacher, grades 5 and 6:
Taught all classroom subjects in sheltered English while providing appropriate support in Spanish. Increased parental involvement through use of home learning packets in math and reading based on the research of Joyce Epstein at The John Hopkins University, weekly phone contact, biweekly newsletters and invitations to presentations in which their children were actively involved. Methuen Public Schools 1996 - 1998 school years.

Classroom Teacher, Language Arts, grades 7 and 8, Math grades 5-8:
Taught grammar and writing skills with emphasis on process writing approach. Taught large and small heterogeneous groups as well as providing individual instruction. Utilized student tutors and collaborative learning groups as well as teacher centered instruction. Organized and chaperoned trips to Naturešs Classroom, as well as organized and facilitated eighth grade graduation. St. Patrick School, Jaffrey, NH, 1989-1991.

Classroom Teacher, Grades 5 and 6:
Taught all subjects in a double graded classroom Organized and chaperoned trips to Naturešs Classroom and worked with parents to plan and implement fund raising activities. St. Maryšs School, Clinton, MA, 1988-1989.

Second Language Instruction:
Provided beginning ESL instruction to Hmong and Latino students who had varying language abilities and educational levels. Program was student centered, using a variety of student and teacher constructed materials, hands on activities, and collaborative learning groups. Clinton Adult Learning Center, 1992-1996.

Provided instruction focusing on developing communication skills necessary for success in the workplace. Developed curriculum to meet the diverse needs of students from El Salvador, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. Whiting Company, Clinton, MA, 1993-1994.



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